Over the past month, our team has made significant progress in building the library. We have completed the following tasks:

- Conducted a needs assessment to identify the types of books and resources needed by the school and its students
- Developed a plan for the library's layout and design, including shelving, seating, and lighting
- Acquired a collection of books and other materials, including donations from local individuals and organizations
- Set up an inventory system to track the books and ensure they are properly organized and maintained
- Created a system for checking out and returning books to ensure they are available to all students

In the upcoming month, we plan to focus on the following tasks:

- Installing shelving and seating in the library
- Setting up a computer station for students to access online resources
- Developing a system for cataloging and organizing the books in the library
- Recruiting and training volunteers to help manage the library and assist students with finding and checking out books
- Planning a grand opening event to promote the library to the school and the wider community